Pug-Monkey Needs a Saftey Blanket

“We can do the next three runs but after that we are working for Sid on New Saturn. We really want to be part of the expansion.” Jim said.

Janice looked tired. “I can’t do passenger runs without internal security and I can’t do any kind of run without external security.”

“We’ll help you screen replacements.” Said Jacob. Jim nodded in agreement.

Jim, Jacob and Janice were Space Legion drinking buddies from back when the Space Legion still existed. In the last few months Captain Janice had started needing extra security on her ship. All types of beings were coming out of cryogenic hibernation and some of them were not well behaved.

Bo and Cream floated out of the bridge together as the humans continued talking. They were safely docked to Station One orbiting New Saturn but the whole crew was still jittery from the difficult trip from Jy. Passengers had decided to roam around the space ship unattended. Bo had spotted several small, fast, armed scavenger ships at a distance. The cargo wasn’t what Janice had expected. Nothing traumatic had happened, but they were all aware of the potential for disaster.

Bo’s reddish brown fur caught the light as he sniffed the grow pods anchored in the compartment just outside the bridge. He gave a satisfied snort and Cream relaxed his clenched pawgers. If anything was wrong with the babies inside Bo would know. He had paid gentle but obsessive attention to the four pods ever since they came aboard and seemed to have a uncanny knowledge of what was happening inside them.

*not enough eyes to watch the passengers* sent Bo.

Cream licked his nose and grabbed the webbing on one wall with his prehensile tail. “And you can’t navigate and watch out for the scavenger ships at the same time” he said in his barky little voice.

*maybe can’t replace Jim and Jacob with other humans, not all Legionnaires are dependable* sent Bo.

Cream snorted in agreement. Every run is a gamble, he thought. What will make the odds better for us?

Janice, Jim and Jacob joined the canines.

“Have you considered upgrading the ship’s computational and sensory components?” Jacob asked.

Janice nodded toward Cream and said “He’s the expert on that. We can’t do much without a complete overhaul.”

That’s what we need, thought Cream. All seeing, all knowing protection. How would we finance that? Could we barter permanent living space on the ship for it? Barter something else?

Cream sent a discrete message to Alanadolphous Hutley, procurement specialist. Better wait for a reply before talking to Janice. Cream felt excitement bubbling up inside him. If it was possible Alanadolphous would make it happen.

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