Inventions of the Future: Better Luck Next Time, Inc.

“Does it really matter? I was a different person back then.” Jenny shrugged as she tended to her lilies.

“But you still own the rights to those memories. It wasn’t a complete neural wipe.” Gerald sighed. “You even specified certain personality traits be kept intact.”

“I don’t actually remember anything before the wipe. It’s just like watching a movie.” She carried some dead leaves to the compost bin.

“From a legal standpoint, you will be better off if you just settle it.” Gerald mopped the sweat off his bald head.

“The legal stuff is still murky and I don’t want to set a precedent.” She dusted off her hands.

“Why, so other wipees won’t have to be responsible for their pre-wipe actions? Spare me the bullshit. You’re just looking after your own interests.”

“I made a pre-wipe announcement. If she had any rights to my property she had time to come forth to claim it.” Jenny picked up her favorite cat and stroked it.

“I don’t think your arguments will hold up in court. It’s not like you died and were reconstituted. You didn’t even have a full wipe with the required life style changes. You only had a partial and you are still living in the same damn house.”

“Don’t lecture me! I had to go to that charity organization, Better Luck Next Time, for the procedure. They did what they could for me. I wasn’t some bored debutante who was just craving something new! I needed help.” The cat hissed and hid behind a bush.

“I’m sorry, but I really don’t think it will go well for you.”

“Thank you for your concern. I don’t want to keep you from your other appointments. The door is over here.”

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